Friday, September 18, 2009


It is increasingly important during our experiences here together on this earth that we pay very careful attention to the perspectives from which we view events situations and circumstances.
One of the most important ideas to remember is that how you are received has nothing to do with your position yet has everything to do with the perspective of those you are attempting to be received by.
The fact that there can be different vantage points or views amazes me daily.

The reason this is comes from the fact that I spent 30 years believing that things are a certain way and the purpose of our time here on this earth together is to find learn and master this specific certain way or knowledge of the truth or discovery of the data which I can use as proof that I have found the one true certain specific way or truth and that I (here’s the important part) I deserve the credit for finding it proving it and bringing the light of my great accomplishment to the world.
What I am speaking of now is a very powerful influencer of our perspective and that is our desire for and choice, then decision to take action which will move us towards gaining either an initial or increasing of the recognition we receive from other people.
Now I know it’s weird to hear this because we don’t like to admit our shortcomings or when we have held too long to a belief that no longer serves us and it may have been damaging to us or our loved ones or the relationships with those around us. Now this doesn’t have to be devastating to our lives for us to cover up this miscalculation or misinterpretation of what is. It could be that we had a less than optimal level of communication with a loved one or that we allowed a belief that was limiting us to influence decisions and thereby our actions so we wound up with a result that was not what we originally intended. Even these smaller setbacks will many times come from our insistence that we know the one true right and only way. How many times during our experience on this earth here together do we bicker and disagree and argue and fight and battle and war with each other simply because I believe that I know the one true right and only way and you believe you know the one true right and only way and they are different?
When we find ourselves in this position and possibly emotions are raised and we have said something harsh to another probably a loved one we can stop ourselves remember this lesson and simply mention this phrase to ourselves.
What an incredibly silly waste of our precious time here on this earth together.
From there move on and remember that as humans our perspectives are much much more powerful than we have given them credit for so far in the world.
What I am bringing for you today is that there is a way for us to begin the process of lessening this in our experience which is to realize that there is no one true way for anything. By digging in to expose and understand perspectives we begin the process by first a knowing that my perspective does influence my understanding of the situations and circumstances of my life and therefore another person’s perspective likewise influences their understanding of the situations and circumstances of their life as well. So if our perspectives are different then our understanding’s of the situations and circumstances are therefore different how can either of our understandings be the one true right way? The answer is that they can not. Neither of our understandings which create and define our beliefs can ever be the one true and right and only way because our understandings of the situations and circumstances of our experience here on this earth together are different.
In order to achieve this understanding we Must as those who choose to be improvers of our own experience that we are, we must define our perspective and then allow that definition to change and grow and morph into something new as new information which can influence a positive change in our lives is brought into our experiences here together on this earth. More than changing our perspective it is an expanding of the understandings we have of all things through our acceptance of the idea that there is no one true right and only way of anything.

What creates our perspective?
Experience! I’ll say it again Experience! And what we decide about the experiences we have. The second half of course is the important part as that is the part we have control over. Yet so many times
All other influencers who exists her on this earth together with us make their effort upon our perspectives in order to guide it toward what they wish it to be. This is how we eventually wind up in battles and wars yet there are many many more subtle influencers who would have us completely renounce our perspective in order to take on their perspective and what a joyous event that must be for them and how incredibly miserable that is for us when we have participated in this from the side of the influenced. This is the way that slaves are made and look at how the techniques used to create and maintain these slaves has changed and grown more effective and become so easily integrated into our lives.
Slaves in the time that the bible begins its record of history were taken after a war and the perspective of the losers of the war had to be completely abandoned. Look at the Hebrews being enslaved by the Egyptians. The Egyptians had more military might and won battles against the Hebrews and took them into slavery and placed the Egyptian way of thinking upon them by force. Egyptians deserve to have the Hebrews as slaves. That was the Egyptian way of thinking their perspective. From the Egyptian’s perspective this was the one true right and only way so they forced the Hebrews into submission and took them from the land where they lived and forced them to do the work of Egypt. Move this rock from here to there stack them up and at the end I will have a pyramid. If the Hebrew disagreed with this perspective and said oh no no sir I do not BELIVE that I should be a slave so I think I will not pick up that rock and move it over there and stack it up. Let’s break that down Belive to be living be like right now how you are right now living is what your belief is. It has nothing to do with what we say but how we be living. That is how you can show your belief. By the way you be livin your life.
Now back to Egypt. The perspective of the Egyptian is challenged by the Hebrew because they have a difference of perspective. so the Egyptian repeats what it is that he sees as is the one true and right and only way and he includes his whip this time to hurts the Hebrew. Eventually the one who can hurt the other the most imposes their perspective on the other so that the hurt will stop.
That’s what we call a war or negotiations through more aggressive pressure techniques.
All of the young men who died in war through human history did it so that one politician could put more pressure on the other politician and impose his perspective.
That is imposing one’s perspective on another. It is effective and it will keep a person doing your work or spreading your message or being your slave for only so long.
It is a miserable existence living out someone else’s perspective of your life as you must cut yourself off from your own source of knowledge and wisdom that are your experiences. Eventually the wanting that a person has to be in touch with their source will become strong enough that the slave will rebel. This is how it has been throughout all history and this is the way it will continue to be.

Later in human history it becomes more and more subtle yet the mechanics are basically the same. Take an example of our world today. The perspective of the advertiser is that you should buy their stuff.
So they say to you hey you give me what it is that you consider to be valuable (Money) and I will give you this thing which I have which is not of much value to me because I have an abundance of them, yet I want what it is that you have that is of value so give me yours and I will give you mine. And you say no no sir I think I like what I have that is of value so I will keep it. Now the advertiser repeats the message with some pain. If you do not give me what it is that you have that is of value (your money) then you will not have this thing that I have and you will stink or be fat ugly, unpopular, destitute, or unaccepted by society. That’s how toothpaste and expensive jeans and big houses and cars makeup and fashion deodorant or beer is sold. The repetition of this message is much like the repetition of whipping a Hebrew slave. I will cause you pain while repeating my message until you decide to accept my perspective.
Whatever the message of the advertiser it comes back to give me what you have that is of value in exchange for this that I have which I do not value or you will experience pain. In this way they create slaves. This is why I turn off the TV and if I do ever watch a movie as I enjoy doing the commercials must be fast forwarded or I begin to feel the pain they are selling in the ads. Once you become desensitized to it through constant exposure to the pain you can take much more of it without noticing so they make the pain stronger. When you choose to do as I have and completely disallow the ads into your conscious thinking mind you will be shocked at how painful it will become as you are no longer used to being whipped and tortured while the whipper convinces you to give them that which you hold to have value. I personally choose not be influenced by the media slave drivers. When you choose to do the same you will enjoy the results. I promise you that.

Opinions are different from perspectives. We have control over our opinions yet our view point is related directly and inextricably and forever tied to our position, or our perspective. That is to say where we are and when we are and who we are. Once again we are where we are and when we are and who we are. These things can be changed by changing our actions. There are many influences that contribute to our perspective. Family, media, religion, advertisers, those seeking recognition or power.
So we can not simply change our perspective yet we can improve the decisions we make thereby the actions we take and finally alter the perspectives from which we take in the experiences we are having here together on this earth.

So once again I’m not saying that we have no ability to control our perspective or that we are at the mercy of our experiences that we have had so far in our lives. That would be the worst kind of hell imaginable and it is the hell many are living in because they have not remembered the information we are going through today. I am actually saying the exact opposite of that and I am teaching you right now the specific knowledge base, thoughts, emotions, and actions which are taking you from a feeling of disempowerment into a glorious realization that you have the power and talent and skill to laser focus your perspective into that which will enrich your life and the life of every person you ever come in contact with.
Our experiences are only half of the picture when it comes to our perspective. The other half is actually much much more important and so important in fact that the experiences can be left out all together and you’ll understand that more in just a moment. Let’s explore what and experience is when we break it down and look at all of the parts. OK here’s an experience.
Something happens an event, a situation, circumstance and there is a moment in time if we are present and witness that moment in time we become part of it or it becomes part of us. Now which part of us does it become. We have plenty of influence there, stick with me. Now we take in that event situation circumstance and we convert it into a memory instantly in our mind in one of three ways. Now this happens instantly so we need a way to reference these memories because every day all day we are taking in new experiences and converting them and storing them instantly. Our brains truly are amazing. If this were a computer it would be like streaming video and archiving it and categorizing it instantly 24 hours per day. That’s allot of storage space and our brains do it all day every day. Take a moment to realize and be grateful for how magnificent and powerful our minds are.
Now, we have filters which help us to categorize the events of our lives for easy reference. If this were a computer that would be our ram. It remembers where we stored the information so that we can pull it up later when we need it.
This is designed to bring us pleasure and protect us. This way we will remember not to eat red berries because last time that made us sick and we can pull up that pain that we had when we see the red berry and we won’t eat it. Babies haven’t established a set of experiences to reference so they will put anything into their mouths until they store an experience and relate some thing from that experience to the pain then when the trigger they have related comes up which is like a tab in a folder showing them where the memory is they will open the folder in their mind remember the pain and not repeat the action which caused them the pain in the first place. How we store these experiences depends very much upon us as people. We all have a preferred filling system so to speak. Which means we will use one of three senses to file the experience under. We’ve spoken of this here on PowerTalk before. The science of recognizing this filing system is called NLP, Nero Linguistic Programming.
Or as I like to call it Naturalistic Linguistic Pimpology. Or Pimpisim
So the three ways we will store information on experiences are
1. Visually, it will be like a movie or pictures we watch in our head and we may see the same thing happening again and again related to an event and that will become our own personal trigger. Because we possibly do not want to experience again or want to experience again what we are seeing in our minds from our memories we will avoid the pain or go after the pleasure when this visual trigger is pulled. A large majority of the people in this world have a strong tendency to use this filling system more than the others. This is one of the reasons TV is so very popular and powerful. It’s important to remember that the picture we hold in our mind will always be at least slightly different than an actual photograph would be. This gets more dramatic as time passes between the event and the pulling up of the visual memory. Ever looked at some old pictures you were in and said to yourself I couldn’t have been that fat skinny dorky longhaired young happy sad or whatever? Then you have experienced the picture we hold in our minds of ourselves not matching up to the way things “really” were. Remember our experiences while being converted to memories are filtered and altered by our perspective. Don’t forget that this applies to everyone else’s view of themselves and their view of you.
2. Auditory, we will store this memory under a trigger or a tab that is related to sound. We may play the tape or conversation or insult or praise over and over in our mind strengthening the connection we have to the event when we hear the trigger sound or word. Many people have a strong connection with words much as I do, and when you can get someone to focus their attention on the words you are saying you can influence their thinking with specific trigger words. In business and marketing we call these buzz words. People immediately connect a whole great range of emotions and memories and experiences to a sound or word that represents a larger group of data which many times is all tied together. Politicians manipulate this fact and make very compelling and emotionally moving speeches influencing a great deal of the public’s actions. Because the words they use trigger large groups of emotions which are bundled up together and when they trigger those large groups of emotions it can be described as a great welling up of emotion. This can be a very powerful effective and dangerous tool. Many times it can seem like a tape loop in our minds that keeps playing the words of an experience or conversation that did not go the way we wanted. A lover tells us it’s over; The boss says you’re not doing a good enough job so on. There are powerful emotions tied to these words and we can strengthen the attachment of the words to the emotion when we let our mind run on tape loop over and over we replay the words making the tie to the negative trigger stronger. Of course the way to break this habit is to stop in the middle of the repetition in our minds. Tony Robbins calls this breaking the pattern. Just break it a sudden action or dramatic sound sight movement anything clap your hands jump out of your seat shake your head what ever it is that you can do to stop the repetition in the mind do it. Stopping the repetition weakens the tie of the trigger to the emotion. Weaken it and then break it. Here’s the good news, You can strengthen the tie from words to your mind by repeating words that are of good value to you. This is why affirmations positive statement positive self talk though they seem silly to us they work they work they work. Repetition it works.
3. Kinesthetically, this means touch, motion, emotion. When someone accesses their memories through their emotions they remember the way they felt during the event they are referencing and filling in their minds. When memories are stored this way it can lead to an incredibly selfish perspective. These memories are triggered by a single emotion yet they hold back the tidal wave which is an enormous complex and specific larger set of emotions that are exclusive and unique to the one person who is storing this event in their minds as a memory. This is why you hear about opening the flood gates of emotions. I may get in trouble for talking about this because my wife for one example is very emotional in the way that she stores some events and remembers them. This makes her triggers emotions so when any complex and challenging to define set of events happens that triggers the emotion it pulls up that large set of stored memories and attached emotions and we are instantly in a past situation that is uniquely and specifically remembered by her colored and shaped, formed and filtered by only her specific position and perspective. Am I saying that she is selfish in her actions or a selfish person? Absolutely not she is a wonderful giving loving woman wife and mother and I am blessed daily to have her in my life. What I am saying is just as I have faults that are very challenging for her to live with when she or any person stores memories based on the way that that one unique specific person feels it can be very challenging for another person to understand and therefore relate to what they are feeling and experiencing.

Here’s the exciting part of everything we’ve spoken of together so far. There are ways to mentally alter everything and become a mental Mr universe by committing to a specific set of thoughts repeated daily consistently and persistently like a mental workout plan. This is tailored directly to you specially, specifically uniquely designed for only you. Because we live in our minds everything can be altered to be what it is that we want it to be. Our past may have horribly damaging events which affect our thoughts every day. Or maybe there is something there in that past that only comes up occasionally. We’ve spoken before about changing the past and using it as part of our experiences in order to alter our perspective. This is an effective tool. You grew up in a time and a place that put you into experiences which formed your beliefs and all of that gets stored in memory and is pulled up when you need access to it. We have seen how we naturally alter the images sounds and feelings which give us access to our memories the record of our experiences. If we can alter our memories to twist and bend slightly making us think of ourselves in the past as better looking or whatever then why wouldn’t we put our focus on that and completely change the memory into that which will be of benefit to us? I don’t let anything that isn’t of benefit to me sit there in my mind once I have recognized that it is not of benefit to me. If I have some terrible past experience that is distracting a limiting belief or idea I either change it and find someway to look at the experience as positive or just don’t think about it ever. When that connection starts activating in my mind and I notice it that is key notice, that the same thing happens when the trigger happens visually auditorily Kinesthetically and if I do not want the connection I break it. Break the pattern in my mind, break the pattern in my life. What ever dramatic action I have to take to make that happen I do it. Break the pattern change the state get out of the funk do it now right now this is the only moment you have to do it so just do it break it.
Boom, broken, done
Then make any improvement in the way we remember the situation. Even if it is to repeat a clichéd phase like what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Like I said it is cliché yet I can make it as powerful as I want it to be by focusing on that phrase. Our power goes to where we put our attention and we waste it on reality TV. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Now let’s get really deep. If we can do that with our past then we can start doing it with our present
and then our future.
Make the boss who is yelling at you have a clown face and a funny hat and take away the power he has built up in your mind as its happening. That’s the only place that his power exists anyway. Politicians just get a whole large group of people believing they have power Remember believing is the way we
Be, living. So politicians can change our behaviors by laws and the way we be living and the way we believe if we let them. They have the power only in our minds and, it only exists in our minds.
This is why they tell nervous public speakers imagine everyone in the room was naked and that calms them down. That is changing the current interpretation of what is happening to us right this very second. Now am I an expert at this and do I do it perfectly every time? Of course not I am human and I do the best that I can all of the time. I will tell you this though. I’m better at it today than I was yesterday. And I was better at it yesterday than I was a year ago. The way to begin is to begin. Notice the pattern break the pattern change the details change everything about the event in your mind make it what you want it to be.

We use all of these filling systems when we convert experiences into memories yet we all tend to favor one more than the others. A useful goal is to work towards allowing our minds to become more balanced in the way that we file experiences in our minds as memories.

The truly amazing part is coming all of this that I just explained will happen naturally if you had never listened to me today or had any contact with this information from a different source at a different time or attracted it into your life as you are now doing you would have gone on and done this all day every day for your entire life. We don’t need any instruction to do this there is no training to get us to do this unbelievably complex dance of converting and storing experiences as memories. This it is the way our minds work and it how we have survived as the human race. Here’s the amazing part.
We can affect the information when it is stored in our memory as it is happening.
We can bring up the information again at any time by our own choice.
We can change the trigger that brings up that information.
We can change the details of the information any time we choose to
We can put the improved and better referenced memory back into the storage.
Once we have brought it up by our choice, changed it to what we want it to be, stored it under the trigger that we have chosen we can rest easy as we know which is to say we have a knowing we own the knowing that now the much more effective useful memory will come up during the time that we are experiencing the trigger that we chose. There is an enormous amount of self induced and completely self owned power that results from taking these actions because we were the designers, architects, builders, creators, and owners of our memories therefore our experiences and what is the actual goal? We wind up owning our minds. That gives you ownership of your life.
As if that weren’t enough the past experiences we have are only the beginning of the experiences we can control in this way.
Have you ever been somewhere with someone maybe a loved one and some event happened that the two of you remember completely differently? That is an example of what we have just been speaking of. Focus on the way the other person remembers it enough and your memory will change.
The same with your future.
Look forward into the future and see things the way you want them to be.
Only listen to the people in your life who see your future the way you want it to be.
Only speak words and think thoughts and pay attention to memories or sounds or sights or feelings or emotions that will help you get to where it is that you have set your goal to be.
If you see it that way it will become that way.
Remember to love your self.
Slow down look in the mirror breathe enjoy the moment remember all of the good and worthy and health and wonderful contributions you have made to the world. Then have a love conversation with yourself
You have made so many people happy during your time with us here together on this earth and we are all thankful that you are here with us together on this earth.

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