Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gratefulness is the access point to Godliness.

Take a hike buddy!!!
It’s funny how that little phrase has such a powerful connection in our minds to blowing some one off.
I guess it may come from movies and such Hey buddy take a hike get outta here.
Then the little phrases get more powerful like.
Go take a long walk off a short pier.
Go jump off a bridge.
This is what most people in sales are used to hearing on calls.
These are just some quick examples and I’m certain any of us in any walk of life have phrases like this we can pull to mind.
Take a moment to just sit and let some of them that you know come to mind.
Find a few that resonate with you. These will be little sentences or expressions blow offs basically that get you all crazy and upset or angry or furious.
Let me tell you this.
No matter how much time we spend on our own development or how hard we work to become better or how consistently we focus on becoming better daily and commit to improve the quality of our lives every single day, We will still be walking around on this big ol rock floating in space with a bunch of other people who are on this rock as well and they will get up every day and walk around on the rock and breath in and out all day long just like us and guess what,

They can be as honery and upset and grippy and malicious an horrible as they want to be. My mom has a great word that wraps that entire category up in the most accurate descriptive and succinct way possible. She just calls them pissy. So descriptive. As if l had literally just peed into their cornflakes.
we are the top percentile type of people who listen to this show. When we actually take the time to give our lives the gift of listening to a show like this we are showing a signal of success. Someone who is very effective in business life love and so on will notice these clues because after spending some time listening to me or other folks who are feeding you positive information like we cover here on the show you will begin to speak a little differently and there will be actions or clues that success will find in you on you and around you, and nothing succeeds like success. Which means success begets success. And you say to me ALEX Whoa I get it be successful and you’will get more success, We get that, How do we get started and I’m here to let you know that you are doing it. This is at least a beginning and a stepping stone that you are taking today. Because you are listening to me right now you are making the move toward becoming what it is that you want to become.
Now back to the pissy ones for a moment. I’m gonna cover something I beielve all those who seek to be in positions of influence success need and I mean this is something they have a need for like water in the dessert.
so sometimes we say to ourselves well there is no use for those people. Them the pissy ones.
I can avoid them completely. We can so easily fall into an us them mentality. Meening we who are listening are the us and everyone else doesn’t get it so to speak they are the them. I’m letting you know that this is a very dangerous mentality to have sitting there lingering in your brain. Someone who knows what they are doing can and most times will manipulate that thought that you have there in your mind of us them and influence you very very strongly. This is one of the techniques that those who lead cults, hard close sales people, advertisers, televangelists and pimps use to manipulate. So just remember when someone is setting up an Us them situation in their speech that should also be a clue and a signal to proceed very cautiously in your thinking that you may be being lead by that person. This is a passage from a book called the 48 Laws of power I’m going to read it to you because this an incredibly effective technique that can be used to lead you somewhere you may have never gone had you not heard this show today.

This is law #27 in a system that is much like Machiavelli if you are familiar with the Itallian prince who used these methods to wield incredible power.
Law 27
Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following
People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power

As I mentioned before one thing that can be done to establish this is called the us them mentality. Be careful when you hear this in anyone’s speech it doesn’t mean they are using it yet it is a signal to catch your attention and alert you to listen carefully.
Just a little info to arm yourself with as we go through this world.
So sometimes in our journey and experience on this earth we come in contact with some of the pissy ones. To help exercise this early warning system of our own brains when we think of the them that are pissy we can change the words we use to describe them and this of course changes the thoughts we have about them. Pissy works for me because I have sympathy for someone who had their day ruined by someone pissing in their food. You search through your mind and find a word that may evoke some sympathy. This puts it in your mind that yes I too have had rough days and been crabby and disagreeable so this person is not a them they get up and walk around this earth and breathe in and out all day just like I do this person is not a they. Powerful isn’t it that simply changing the words we use to describe that other person can lead to a whole other line of thinking. this is called assumptive reasoning your mind does it with or without you. When you have a thought take an action or speak a specific word your mind follows the reasoning out to it’s logical conclusion. You see your brain is so strong it keeps working when you have stopped placing your attention on that thought.

Just remember when you deal with a them everyday that they wake up on this earth they will have to get up and breath in and out and walk around on the same planet with us and the same wind will blow on us all. The way to protect your mentality is to realize that there is no them. There is only us.
And we talk about here on PowerTalk that because the world and our experience here is all contained in our minds anyway that we can change the way we look at events circumstances and situations. And change the world we live in.
So let’s just walk through this together and begin a little journey as friends.
Before we begin this next part I want you to know that I appreciate the part you are playing in this friendship that we are developing. It may seem weird to hear it that way and it’s new for me to say it that way. Because Most of us have never met and honestly many of us never will.
Does that mean that I should give you information that is of lower quality than the quality I would give to my friend? The answer is no. I refuse to treat you as a radio listener with no input or control or say in what we are discussing as friends. We are here together in this time creating together this reality that we are in.
I’ll be honest with you folks. With my friends we say keep it 100. that’s 100% honesty.
So here it is.
I’m not some famous motivational speaker you may see on TV late at night.
I’m not here to sell you a book or a cd or get you to pay for a seminar I have next week.
That’s not what we are doing here and that’s not where this is going.
What I am here for is to continue a journey I started years ago.
We are all humans walking around this earth breathing in and out all day long.
How different can we really be from each other and how easy it will be for us to develop a deep and meaningful friendship once we simply take the time to realize that we are much much more alike than we are different.
Now along the way in this journey I’m not looking to be lonely and what’s the point of going on a journey if when I arrive I am alone? That’s not the type of journey I’m on. I welcome you and I value you walking along side me. If while we are walking together as friends you stumble I plan to be there. I plan to give a hand or maybe just a word of encouragement. As more and more friends walk with us we will get some different views and input and this way when one trips we probably have more than one pair of hands to help pull you up. Also we bring experiences and advise from many of the others in the group who are walking with us now.

In the face of adversity we say yes we can
The people who love this country will change it
It is that fundamental belief that makes this country work

I have a new passion to share with you all today.
It may seem simple and this is a fact. I will say to you this.
I truly believe very deeply that the simple little action of taking small steps daily is the one and only singular way to get where we are focused on being. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step right.
We talk so much about goals and planning what we want to be in our lives and looking forward and such that many times we forget to pay attention to the little steps we take daily.
So One very simple step that seems small and doesn’t appear to have any great deal of impact because it doesn’t directly bring money or achievement in the door is this.
Wake up just before the sun rises and take a long walk. That’s it no special magic way or long description or specific directions here.
Now I can come up with an entire book cataloguing thoughts and emotions special ways to breath and posture to have and little phrases to say to yourself.
That will all work however the amazing part is even leaving all of that very powerful stuff out just by simply taking the small and simple action to
Wake up just before the sun rises
and take a long walk.
You will begin to create great results in your life.
This is my new passion and the effect it has had so far amazes me and I don’t even know how to explain it to you.
I’ll do my best to describe what’s been happening since I began.
First in my physical body I have this energized feeling and if ever I do begin to lack the amount of energy at the level I desire during my day, which is to say that I have less than usual and still way more than 95% of the population but what has begun to happen is that I have this extra reserve which was not there before.
I don’t have studies or pages of data and reports and statistics for anything we are talking about today. That’s for another time.
What I do have is a different feeling in my body.
This is what I’m communicating to you today.
The next two things that happened seemed magical.
Not magical because it was such a huge event nor because this was a one time thing that had never happened before. I have had this exact same experience in specific areas of my life at earlier times.
The major difference is that I was focused on that area of my life before and spending a great deal of time and effort improving and developing that area.
Once again these are small improvements which are continuing to grow into larger and larger improvements. You see these steps haven’t gotten me to a specific goal, yet they are carrying me towards goals and Carrying is the best possible description for what seems to be happening.
In stead of being focused and specific these improvements are spread out across all areas of my life and I’m amazed astounded blessed bewildered and grateful.

The reason these next two seem magical is because I didn’t do anything specifically related to these events to generate the outcome and I got to reap the rewards so to speak. I’m taking the same other actions in my life that I was taking before I started walking, the outcome just seems to magically be becoming better and better.
First in my business people seem to be getting involved with what I am doing at a much much higher frequency. Now this may not seem like a big deal and maybe it’s not. Let’s look at a few months ago BW (before walking) I was killing myself working hard and getting some results. Now as an entrepreneur I am used to putting it all on the line as far as working hard so that’s cool no big deal to me. AW you guessed it (after walking) I am doing less work so to speak and getting the same results. Now this sounds weird to me because this doesn’t even line up with what I teach. Work hard get results right? Isn’t that the creed of the self employed. I do all the hard work and take all of the risk so I deserve all the big rewards.
That’s what I think and now let’s add in a little extra to that. The work I do can be on improving myself so that the quality of the work I am offering to the market to the world to the universe which ever resonates with you will be of better quality because now I am of better quality. This really taps into the core of what we are doing here when we speak of personal development. If I have any inkling of respect for what I’m doing I will be putting myself into my work now that I have a self of higher quality I am putting better quality into my work. I’m working towards breaking these concepts down into very simple words and explaining them in many different ways because this is so incredibly valuable that I’m putting the effort in to get this across to you in any way that is going to get through your mental filters and strike a cord in your mind and implant deeply deeply into your brain so that this habit this daily routine this magical practice will begin to take place in your life and you will defiantly begin to experience the changes and I know this can happen for you. There is no doubt in my mind that when you begin to take this practice seriously and with some consistency you wake up just before the sunrise and take a long walk I know you will receive the benefit.

You’re going to enjoy this next unfolding of ideas and it is beginning already to create a different awareness in you. This is becoming phenomenally useful in your life as we speak together and especially as you now enjoy listening and working through these exercises together you’re becoming more and more interested in improving the quality of your life.

So lets talk now and begin this journey together and let our minds simply remember some things which are now useful to us again so that we may continue the growth back to what we know we have been at our highest points.

Ths more you are enjoying this time together and the process you are going through and the daily becoming the more effective the process is becoming in your life especially as you enjoy it more and more every day.

Imagine with me for a moment and let your mind remember an open field.
Just that word field keep that fixed in your mind and let it be the type of field that seems beautiful and serene and calming for you. And remember that this field is there for you. And the field is here for you and you alone right now it is here. Now this can be a clearing in a forest with small minuet birds floating gently over head softly gliding to a rest on branches near you as you listen to the rustling of the birds wings as they settle into the branches of the trees and listen to the sweet chirping songs they are letting out for you and now just for you . The breeze is rustling the trees as they rub together and you can hear the chipmunks and other little forest creatures scurrying happily along the floor of the woods. Or maybe it’s more like a vast sprawling expanse of flat grass lands you would find in the center of the united states. Powerfully as you stand there you can see how the purple mountains in the far far distance loom strong and mighty as the sun seems to be spotlighting the glorious beauty and showing you the crystal clear white topped mountains surrounding the enormous flat grassland you are standing in. That deep rich magenta and purple of the mountains holds so many layers of color and it shifts and swirls a little as you focus on the mountains which stand large the way we think of planets as large. And you watch the sun play lighting tricks as the clouds move over you and shift the light and shadows. And your eyes finally relax as you have no reason to focus your view on any one spot or thing. The mountains morph in your eyes from the sharp mighty view to a more general silhouetted mounds and they melt into a beautiful swirled dripping look and they slide down into the ground.
Perhaps the field has rolling hills like the country side of Scotland. The thick vibrant dark green healthy grass that carpets the gently rolling hills creeps up playfully through your toes and tickling those toes and the spots between the toes the tick robust grass excites your nerves and sends more life giving blood to those areas and the blood in your toes becomes refreshed and courses up excitedly into your body refreshing regenerating invigorating and renewing your body and mind and sprit and opening your mind to the fertileness of this place that you have created and is there for you in your mind anytime that you want to go there.
Now as you listen to this breeze and watch the still majesty of the mountains and feel the grass empowering you and you look down now looking down into your hand and understand that there is a small small seed there in your hand. This seed is green and perfectly round and smooth and slightly moist from the living juices locked in and protected under the smooth covering of the seed. This seed is much like a habit. Like taking a walk in the early morning time. So bend down and let the seed return to the soil and push it down ever so slightly putting it into the nutritious dark fertile soil. Push it down now. Down into the ground and down farther now into the safe place. Now this very small habit this seed is here protected. Now you can sit on the ground and feel the warmth coming from the earth as it perfectly and magically fulfills every specific need that your seed has. And this is when nature glorifies and honors the effort you have made towards co creating this magical mystical event. Nature gives the seed warmth and food and rain and shelter under the ground and all that is left is for us to do is give the seed and nature time. As we give time to this process nature blesses us with the tree that will grow and as more time passes we get the fruit of that one tree and you are in touch with what nature will do for you so you don’t rip up the tree and take it to your house so you can have the fruit easily and with zero effort in your kitchen. You are much more wise than that so you continue to let nature do it’s work. You let some of the fruit fall to the ground and the fruit becomes the nourishment the new seeds need to begin this new life and grow into more trees which bear for you more fruit and which becomes fertilizer for the new seeds which grow into more trees and this is beginning to happen in your life as well as you begin to plant this small seed of walking each morning into your life. You won’t simply uproot the tree as soon as you see one positive result you are the kind of person who understands and respects the time and effort that nature is doing on your behalf so you stay with this simple habit and nature blesses you with more fruit today than last year and more fruit next year than this year. And very soon much sooner than you expected in fact nature is blessing you with more fruit than you need. and the more fruit that you have in your life the more you are happy with this new habit which didn’t transplant a huge fruit orchard into your life all in one day yet because of your respect for nature’s processes nature has blessed you as it must over time with the rewards that have come to you by respecting this process and the time that it takes to grow this field of fruit which is now more than you need and so much more that you now are a contributor to the rest of the people in your life who deserve your time and attention and respect as you have respected the time and process and work that nature has done on your behalf. this once new habit is becoming where you take the time each day to grow and develop and allow. You’re right now allowing nature to do it’s work in you and on you and around you. Setting you up for the abundance you deserve. This is all happening because you deserve it and you know that this is the time and place to begin by planting this small seed and allowing nature to focus all of its power on assisting you.
Believe me when I tell you that do deserve this and you will know that you deserve this as you tomorrow begin with a small habit and begin to
wake up just before the sun comes up
and take a long walk.

As you are walking you will begin to have a sense of gratefulness that nature has set this up in such a simple way for you to take advantage of and to get the benefit from because you are so special that nature has made it easy and taken away that requirement for you to be special and made it available to you every day in every way which is the same formula you are following to allow nature to bless your life with this assistance because everyday in everyway you are getting better and better and better and better. And this gratefulness you are rediscovering and giving your attention to becomes a source and you return there
Day by day and you breathe in deeply and enjoy the gratefulness that you have allowed to sprout in you and you enjoy that nature has helped you to make that gratefulness so much stronger by natures method of time.

Gratefulness is the access point to Godliness.

To become grateful use these thoughts.

To simply realize The value of a sister/brother Ask someone Who doesn't have one To realize The value of ten years: Ask a newly Divorced couple. To realize The value of four years: Ask a graduate. To realize The value of one year: Ask a student who Has failed a final exam. To realize The value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn. To realize The value of one month: Ask a mother Who has given birth to A premature baby. To realize The value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize The value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane. To realize The value of one-second: Ask a person Who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when You can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend LOSE ONE.

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