Sunday, September 20, 2009

The McDonalds Mentality

Transformational Vocabulary

Before we get started I want to let you know that I take this time that you choose to spend with me very seriously and I am honored that you place your trust in me to search for info and bring it to you as lessons or advise or what ever you want to call this that we are doing together. I don’t have a name for it I just know that by me making the choice to always forever and all time read and listen and pay attention and gather information and bring it to you we will experience continually growing success together.

Transformational Vocabulary

We are gonna talk about words today.
We’ll go around the subject for a while so stick with me because this is valuable info.

Let’s go back to when we are babies.
When we are born we get to this earth with a brain and arms and legs and mouth and eyes and hands.
Then we get put into the care of some people who are parents.
Most of the time we will listen to them for average 15-18 years.
Now take the time to hear what it is that I’m saying.
We listen to them for that many years. Remember throughout this we will be talking about words.

That means that the things they say are taught to us even if they only are taught by way of us being passively exposed to them. This is what advertisers count on so they give you multiple exposures to the same image or catchy little jingle. By exposing you to it over and over and over even if there is not a specific sales pitch or advertisement going on we hear the same bah dab a pa ba I’m lovin it.
So who is that? What company is that? Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for a few years you will say Mickey d’s
The McDonalds song and we know it is because They pump that into our ears so much that even when the tune is changed a little our brains recognize it you know what I mean they make it more poppy sounding or more R&B sounding changing it slightly makes it more effective and affective, Affective because it affects us depending on our demographic which most times dictates our experiences and to a large extent how we will respond. Now this music connects and that becomes a choice because it stays in our mind. This is how it works. if they keep pumping this into our ears over and over it will start to push out some of the other choices as they change the tune slightly yet keep the basics close enough to the original that it’s now not only one choice it’s two and 4 and 8 and 20 and that choice bucket which deals with food sitting there in that part of our minds where we go look when we need or want to eat is now over flowing and apples and fresh chicken and nutritional foods are overflowing out of the bucket. then eventually we will get hungry and we have to make a decision about where will we get our food from.
So in order to make a decision we look in our bucket of choices reach in and what do we pull out
Bad a ba pa bah. The same thing happens with the words that our parents or influencers use.
Just to drive this point home we all know that advertizing for fast food on TV is everywhere. It’s very strong and it works. So in a little experiment I stopped watching TV about 2 weeks ago and lost 15 pounds. How did that happen you may ask. Truthfully I’m not 100% certain. If I had to guess it would be because I’m not seeing food glorified constantly.

I’ve been experimenting with all sorts of techniques and processes some that I learn from various sources. I mean some very crazy sources sometimes. I don’t mind being the guinea pig for you guys. I’ll distill the info and bring it to you in an easy to understand way. some of these techniques come together from mixing up others ideas and processes, some of them are very old and continue to work as people continue to be human. For example on any given day I will get info from 5-10 different sources for you.
Inspirational speakers, economists, incredibly wealthy people, Pimps, bankers, military planners, politicians, business owners, cult mind control experts, physiologists, trend analyzers, hippy trippy dippy super happy sort of teachers, Preachers and the list could go on and on.
You may be saying to yourself whoa whoa whoa Alex the inspirational people we get it business leaders cool, we get it but your getting info from pimps? What the hell?
Now why have I gone on this journey?
Why in the world would I ever listen to Pimps and con artists and crazy hippies and cult mind control people?
I have two very specific reasons.
Number one I grew up in a very very small town which instilled in me a grand sense of trust mainly because we were in the middle of west Texas with the nearest large city 5 hours drive away and I guess people didn’t wanna screw others over because where ya gonna go after you rip some one off?
So because of the influence that had on me I want so desperately to trust in people so as I teach here on the show I don’t just sit around and want or wish I do. I trust people even though many experiences tell me no don’t do it. Because of that I recently added up how much money I’ve lost or been swindled out of over the last 10 years due to the very types of people I’m talking about now and it’s about $300k. so I decided to arm myself.

Number two I realized this, what these people do is very effective. These people get what they want they just happen to be what I would call irresponsible with other’s lives and they don’t care who they hurt so next time the get me with the same techniques shame on me. I started to arm myself by learning what the do and being able to spot it right away so I don’t fall victim and the people I love don’t fall victim to these techniques. Still not perfect yet light years head of before the study began.
By the way if you listen to an ad exec or a preacher and translate the lingo and references the same thing is being said by them and a pimp or a con artist. Crazy, huh?

This is incredibly useful to us as we get up day by day walk around this earth and breathe in and out all day we will be coming into contact with other people who either have this information or they don’t. I suggest you arm yourself. Two authors to read so that you can have this defense so to speak are
Dave Lahkani and Robert Greene.

So let’s get back to the words. Told you we would go around getting to where we are going. Basically if it’s easier to think about it this way to understand it, our parents have been advertising to us all of these years.
They may not know they are doing it but they know which techniques work.
They repeat the same message over and over and over and they get what they want.
Clean up your room clean up your room.
Then they can change it slightly for greater effect clean your room our no Video games and so on if they do it enough when the child goes to their bucket of choices they pull out the only thing that is there because the parent has filled up the choice bucket with bah da bop bah bah
Clean up your room
Now let’s talk about how this affects us passively.
Many parents may think to themselves,
well I’m just smoking outside so it’s not getting in my kids lungs so I’m not hurting them and I’m not teaching them to smoke,
Or over eat, or lie around on the couch all day every weekend, or yell at his wife, or quit when things get tough.
I’m not teaching that to the kid I’m just going on living my life.
They are passively advertising to us showing us what to do.
This is very easy to turn around once you realize what you are doing by the way.
I just mentioned some negative ones for an example so let’s get some good ideas of what a parent or influencer or friend CAN do to use these same techniques for a positive outcome.
We’ll just use a father for example because I have that frame of reference experience to speak from.
I passively advertise to my son.
That I love his mother.
That I never quit.
That I greet the day with a smile.
That I value his attention.
That I choose who influences me
That I listen when people speak
That I search for the best information I can find on every subject.
These are just a few to get you started so take the time to make your own list and instill one of these traits everyday

We are either being influenced by our situation and circumstances or we are influencing our surroundings.
It can go either way and we are the only ones on earth who can decide which way it will go.
When we are kids we are overpowered by the actions, habits, and circumstances of our parents.
We don’t have any choice as kids who are influencing us because we are sort of stuck with these people, these parents, and these influencers. So along the way we pick up some things.

I love the scene in the movie a few good men when Tom cruise is questioning a young Marine and he has been left in kind of a sticky situation. He is trying to prove that there has been a code red ordered by a high ranking general and code reds are forbidden by the Marine Corps.
So the “bad guy” in the film who is played by Kevin Bacon
He asks the marine to look in any book that the marine corps has put out to show him where it says that he should be administering a code red.
Bacon says “I'm a marine. Is their no book, no manual or pamphlet, no set of orders or regulations that let me know that, as a marine, one of my duties is to perform code reds?” And the young Marine says no.It seems like Tom Cruise is in trouble now because There is nothing ordering the Marines to do code reds,And he’s trying to prove that they have been ordered to do it.Then Cruise turns it all around.He says to the young Marine, “Corporal, would you turn to the page in this book that says where the enlistedmen's mess hall is?”The Corporal says “that's not in the book, sir.” Tom Cruise is intrigued now.You mean to tell me you’ve never eaten a meal on the post?The young man says oh no sir I get three square meals a dayNow cruise really gets into it.“I don't understand, how did you know where the enlisted men's mess hall was if it'snot in this book?” The very simple yet incredibly poignant response from the young Corporal is this. I guess I just followed the crowd at chow time, sir. How many times do we do that with our own lives? Just following the crowd at chow time, No no don’t worry about me I don’t need to read those self help books or any of that stuff.That’s all for the weak people that’s not for me.I’ll just follow the crowd at chow time.and you can watch people get swept along the way by the current that is their influencers. How many times have we seen that? Young person all of a sudden their attitudes and outlooks and personality changes with a different group of friends.Maybe parents, The Media, a spouse, Friends the people we are around, the magazines we read, the websites we visit, the people at our work place. Our influencers be aware of who they are. How about this one, the lyrics of the music we hum, We sometimes forget how incredibly magnificently and at times dangerously powerful our mind is.Even though we may not be putting our full mind to use,Your mind is so incredibly powerful that it will figure out the lyrics to a song you know even if you just hum it.Then your mind will go into the state that those WORDS help you to trigger.Once your mind is there your Physiology or your body will follow.Don’t take my word for it, do this one for yourself.Try this walk around today and hum the song “My girl”.Don’t even sing the words just hum it.If you don’t remember the first words of the song go like this“I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day,When it’s cold outside I’ve got the month of May”.Now remember don’t sing the words just hum the tune and do it for 5 minutes.This may seem crazy and challenging at first yet look at how small an amount of time we are talking about here.5 Minutes. That is less time than it takes to get a Starbucks. It’s half a shower. It’s the time it takes to tie the kids shoes, and what a wonderful habit to pass along to the kids.Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. The ability to as we wish when we wish where we wish and for as long as we wish to change the mood we are feeling right away. Pass that one on to your kids and I’ll bet you won’t wind up in a home when you’re old.I’d be willing to bet you that your mood will improve as well. It’s kind of a hard one to stay all down or depressed or gripe during My Girl.The amazing part is that your mind will figure that out for you and put you in the state (mood) that you have linked with that song. As I was saying earlier we wind up even though we hate to admit it with the same habits and attitudes and (Important point) LANGUAGE of those who influence us. You notice how people who hang around together a little click or friends from the office and such usually have some inside jokes and slag that only the 5 to 10 of those people know? We actually adopt the language of those we are around because it makes it easier to communicate. It’s like verbal text messaging. LOL OMG you get my point. Most times it’s parents yet it can be anything we put our attention on. TV, Friends, teachers. The internet, music magazines how many beautiful ladies do we know who have this jacked up view of themselves because they let themselves be convinced by repeated exposure to fashion magazines music videos movies and such, that they are fat or ugly or what ever? What’s crazy about that is they are paying someone to make them feel all crappy about themselves when they buy the magazine. So to bring this home lets get back to the original subject.The words we use.I wanted to impress upon you how effective it is to receive repeat exposure. The fact that some one can use this technique like a cult leader that just keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over and over. Then they surround the new recruits with others who consistently repeat the same message. That’s how they do it.It is very very powerful.This influences people to take action on a scale that most of us would call crazy.If some guy walked up to a woman and said hi there excuse me would you please go have sex with this stranger over here and he’s gonna pay you but you’re gonna give me all the money and just trust me it’s gonna work out.I’m just guessing because I’ve never tried it but probably won’t go over too well.Now listen to this same woman, if a pimp gets access to her ears for long enough he can and he will just keep repeating and repeating and repeating I’m gonna take care of you no one can take care of you like I can I’m the only man in the world who can take care of you, you just gotta trust me and trust me and trust me and do what I say and it’s all gonna be good oh ya baby you the one for me I’m gonna take care of you.This repeated exposure is how they get women to do something that most consider crazy like that.They can win in the mind game because they don’t quit and don’t quit.Simply because of the words and the repetition.Now how do we apply that to our lives?We can be a pimp to our own minds and choose what we are hearing.Instead of hey baby I’m gonna take care of you from an outside source it can be from our own minds to ourselves.Over and over. I have all I need I have all I need I have all I need. Or whichever phrase will empower your mind.The first big one that we do for ourselves is take out the word can’t.It’s like a small brain workout plan.Now I mean completely eliminate it removed completely deleted erased decimate the word to the point that if it were a fire not one single ember or glimmer of heat or light could or would dare to ever come from those ashes again. That’s the point you want take this to. Not just sometimes or when I think of it take it out completely so that if some one says the word to you it will sound like nails on a chalk board.It will seem impossible at first but lifting 200 Lbs isn’t easy at first either.That impossible is one to take out too so I suggest doing that one second the first one can be that nasty can’t word. The more you think it is impossible the more impossible it becomes. Even saying some of these negative words is challenging to me. You see it’s not hard so don’t say that anything is hard it’s a challenge. That immediately identifies this circumstance as something that must be overcome. Saying its hard just makes my mind go oh no I have to do that I don’t wanna do that it’s hard and then your mind finds ways for it to be hard and to make it harder. Because that’s what you told it to do. You already stated that it was hard.Are you committed to this? You will find it incredibly useful especially when you decide to make it useful and magical in your own life.With the word challenge your mind goes oh ok I have something to do better get to work figuring out how to do this and then also goes to work to find a way to make it less challenging. Your mind will figure out what you tell it to figure out. Every time you are going to say the word can’t simply find some other way to say the same thing. Like I said it’s a mental workout.Saying that word is just like a bad habit. We get used to it and then it seems to just happen. Even without us thinking about it simply because we have repeated it over and over.The first thing you will do is notice it and you’ll go oops I just said can’t then you may catch your self after you have said it and then go back and find someway to replace the word.Then you will notice before you say it and change it as it’s coming up in your speech.Then you will find yourself automatically not using the word just because you have been working at it.Then magically people will say things to you like, you always have something positive to say.And you do because you are starting to change the words you use over and over you are programming yourself to say things in a positive way.Let’s just give some examples.Instead of I can’t make it tonight sorry, actually tell the truth and say I won’t be there tonight.You see when you say you can’t you are programming your mind to think that you don’t have the option. This seems trivial because come on everyone knows what I’m talking about.Here’s the thing you’re brain doesn’t know the difference,And just searching and finding the way to communicate the same message with different words will get you treating every time you speak as if it were a mental game. There are almost 4 times as many negative words in the English language than there are positive words. So when you are using the positive words to program yourself you’re selecting from a smaller group of words to get the same message across. The brain is very literal. When you say something can’t be done your mind immediately starts to find ways that you will be stopped from doing it because that’s what you have told it to do. The brain is also wildly effective and efficient. It will search out ways to stop it from happening because that is what you have told it to do. You already said you can’t do it.Now I’m not talking about goals here we all know that that is the basic basics. Of course you want to always state your goals in the positive and with an attitude that you will positively reach your goals.I’m talking about becoming and being exceptional. If we just say ya I can reach my goals then yes that is good yet we are talking about much more than that. The people who are reading this are the ones who truly strive to make decisions that will have an excellently positive effect on their lives.Once again decimate this word completely so there is no trace left of it and it becomes so foreign that you don’t even understand those people who use the word.This simple little exercise has the power to completely and absolutely transform your entire life.Did you know that the wealthiest people around will hear you say the word can’t and immediately you go into a category in their minds of that’s a person who says can’t. Whether it is consciously or subconsciously they will hear it like a fog horn next to their heads and you will be labeled as someone who doesn’t get it.This is an invaluable skill for those of us who choose to follow the advice of successful people.I like this one. Aristotle Onassis the billionaire shipping magnate said. If I ever lost all of my wealth I would go to where wealthy people congregate and simply by being there in their presence opportunity would be attracted to me as if by magic.The untold side of that is that the magical part comes by him being of likeness to the wealthy people in that room. That’s why they are attracted. Law of attraction. That which is of likeness will be drawn unto it’s self.The way to be of likeness is to be speaking the same language. The language only has those 2,000 words I mentioned. You can make more room in your mind as well by now getting rid of the almost 8,000 words which are of no use they much like a dead language which no longer exists. Now that you know this and are beginning to have an understanding and using this in your life you will begin to speak with those which have your same language. Have you ever been to another country where you didn’t speak the language? What happens when you meet someone who does speak your language? You begin to spend all of your time with them. Like the text message language we mentioned before. You will be surrounded by those you are like. It has been an honor to be here with you spending this time expanding our minds and increasing the quality of our lives daily daily daily. That’s the way we do it one step at a time one day at a time one breath at a time. Make tomorrow better than today.Alex Alexander
The Live broadcast of this information by the author of this blog can be viewed at.

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